A big thanks to the following people and groups.
First off the artists, it does not matter how interesting the data is without good artists there is no way to display it well. To date there only artist is the guy who made the icons.
these guys provide a wide selection of icons for maps. I currently only use few but as time goes on I could see the site using dozens of them.
Data providers
None of the data providers guarantee or warranty their data in any way shape or form. *It goes without saying if they will not stand behind their data there is no way I can. I do my best to only use good data providers with good data. That said use this site with its data at your own risk.
A big thanks to the various states for access to their cameras and data.
- TripCheck.com provides the cameras and incident reports for Oregon.
- Caltrans provides the road cameras for California.
- WSDOT provides the road cameras and road info for Washington.
- NOAA provides all of my weather info and maps. After viewing their predictions I advise taking a look at the weather maps and making up your own mind on what the weather will do. In my experience they are on par with the TV as far as accuracy. Considering they provide their data for free I am very happy with the results. It is weather, which means hard to predict.
Stream and Lake data:
News Feeds:
- Beef Magazine They were the first that allowed me to use their feeds. They will always get a big thanks for that.
- Capital Press They do the regonal news pretty well. I am a bit conflicted with using their data though as they limit people to 5 articals a month.
- Cattle Network Also known as Drovers, they tend to have a lot of up to date articals relating to what is happening in the cattle industry.